Cannabis Cultivation: Harvesting Education (VIDEO: Wet and Dry Trimming)

My first consulting role in the cannabis industry allowed me to get first hand experience on cultivation sites, offering me unparalleled knowledge about cannabis growing, harvesting, trimming and curing.

Alongside hands-on experience, I attended Oaksterdam University in Oakland California for a weekend long certification relating to all aspects of the cannabis supply chain.

I developed education content and strategy for Twister Trimmmer (Keirton Inc). who design and engineer cannabis harvesting equipment (now used in the majority of licensed production facilities across Canada).

While you may not be personally growing and harvesting cannabis at a scale that would require this type of equipment, you may be interested in how cannabis is harvested. I believe that much like making informed food choices, we should know where our cannabis comes from, and “how it’s made”!


Wet Trimming Cannabis: Best Practices:

Content produced and hosted by Twister Trimmer.

Dry Trimming Cannabis: Best Practices:

Content produced and hosted by Twister Trimmer.