Posts tagged 2018
Cannabis 101 (Guest Post for Desiree Nielsen, RD)

Cannabis has long played a role in my wellness toolkit. But it hasn’t come without its share of stigma. As Canada ushers in the era of legalized cannabis, and as a health practitioner with an (almost) lifelong passion for this plant, I view it as my responsibility to dispel myth, educate on responsible adult consumption, and create a supportive environment to find greater wellbeing and happiness through Cannabis.

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Cannabis Options for Anxious Pets

Legalization of cannabis in Canada is nearly here. As the stigma around consumption fades away, advocacy for the therapeutic use of cannabis in humans—and pets—continues to gain momentum.

As with their own potential consumption, pet owners should familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of responsible pet use, and know what options are legally available to them and their furry friends.

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