Cannabis 101 (Guest Post for Desiree Nielsen, RD)


Cannabis has long played a role in my wellness toolkit. But it hasn’t come without its share of stigma. As Canada ushers in the era of legalized cannabis, and as a health practitioner with an (almost) lifelong passion for this plant, I view it as my responsibility to dispel myth, educate on responsible adult consumption, and create a supportive environment to find greater wellbeing and happiness through Cannabis.

I believe there is a form of cannabis for everyone, and as you’ll come to learn through this Cannabis 101 collab with Desiree, there’s a wide variety of ways to consume, and forms of cannabis that don’t always include getting high. There goes myth #1!

A big thanks to Desiree for being open to this conversation through her platform, trusting me to share this information with you, and for always exposing her reader to the cutting edge of wellness science.

And now, let’s get to the root of it… (READ MORE HERE)

This article was originally published on